Sunday, February 25, 2007


*Entry of your choice.

This book is demonstrated about the inside of human-beings. It talks about a way of life when people are in a risky and hazardous situation. Usually students like me control feelings and their own personality as they join each other. However as they stay in isoalted place, island, they began to realize a meaning of authority and not obeying behavior may be chastised. Curel human nature, glaze personality and often cooperating each other are shown in this book.

I want to talk about my impressed feelings here. Ofcourse if groups are made there should be fights and it has big possibility to be dividing into small groups. Also there must be someone who suffer for that. However I had never imagined about twelve year old boys murdering others and animals. Ofcourse for their hunger I can understand about killing the sow however murdering Simon it was just horrible. Since he came out from the forest at night and he wan't clearly seen by his friends' eyes some people might think it can happen. However it is truely homicide. In the way Jack attempted to expel Ralph I could realize Jack's wickedness. He betrayed his friend and it is not a right thing to banish each other when everyone is in risky place. If they had to chang themselves to adapt the situation and fight for that I can get the point however they changed too much that they have commited murder and bannishing each other. Weak people follow powerful people, in groups it may split in small groups, and people may change or become vulgar fellow are the sites that I have found in this book.


*Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you?

It was really disturbing when the author described the way that boys caught the sow. In the book it said “the boys surrounded the covert but the sow got away with the sting of another spear in her flank.” “The trailing butts hindered her and the sharp, crosscut points were a torment. She blundered into a tree, forcing a spear still deeper; and after that any of the hunters could follow her easily by the drops of vivid blood.” “When sow died Jack found the throat and the hot blood spouted over his whole weight.” This settings and detailed descriptions made me feel frisky and creepy. No one told them how to hunt for their food and how to use knife but as I read this passage I could see that if men are in risky circumstances they have ability to survive. Also I could interprete this part as man's wickedness. Human have knowledge because they see, watch, and hear. However these boys have never seen how to kill the sow, so I thought that when men are born they naturally possess guilty conscience. Sandy plain which was square shape ,granite was colored in pink, a coconut palm was painted in green, and a school of fish was colored in silver was really memorable to me. I could close my eyes and imagine the beautiful landscape. It was pure human nature itself. And I questioned myself how it would change when Jack fire this beautiful, and gorgeous island to kill Ralph.


*please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you why is this passaage meaningful? please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

"And another thing. We can't have everyone talking at once. We'll have to have 'Hands up' like at school. Then I'll give youth conch" is one of my meaningful things. When I was a leader in Korean school I used this rule to calm down my classmates or when I had to decide big deals with them. It was the best way I had ever used. It is meaningful because it reminds me of my class election when I was in third grade (in elementary school). I could slightly reflect the time I had to stand out in class and had to use my loud voice and big confidence in order to give my pledge. And my pledge was I would use democratic way that Ralph had used and try to listen to everyone’s opinion and voice. This passage is also important because it tells me that Ralph and other kids had been to school. Since when Ralph announced that he would use democratic way no body had question what hands up was. When I was reading this book up to chapter 2 I thought they experience at school. It was surprising that Ralph was applying to the kids. And this passage made me to anxious about how Jack would behave at school because in this book the image of Jack was strong boy, scary, and had tough image of a primitive man. And it tells me that human beings can change in what kind of circumstances. So I thought it was significant.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


*What is the mood of this novel? do you find this novel saddens you in any way why?
In my case it revealed the dark side of human and is demonstrated by 25 boys’ behavior. The mood was Dim, gloomy, dull, pessimistic, tragic, violent, cruel, evil, and unsparing. Dark and wildness of human being are also displayed vividly. Somewhere in the book it was written that every single boys should have been to school and before coming to an uninhabited island they must have possessed mind of child. However as the time passes and as they adopt the new environment their mind and thoughts change. In the beginning Ralph was elected as a leader, and most conditions were working out very smoothly. However without any guide lines such as adults or an intellectual, 24boys had to assistance Ralph. He had to seek for every needs and had to solve out the problems they had faced with. And of course there were no one advice to him except Piggy who had lots of knowledge which helped Ralph a lot. But still Piggy’s knowledge was not enough, and because of that unexpected incidents happened such as loosing kids, killing their friend Simon, and firing in island. It was violent and every action they have done was so cruel and aggressive. I was shocked to the facts that these little kids could do those things. Also it made me sad because they were young and indeed needed protects from adults. Jack couldn't control his feelings and antipathy to Ralph because he didn't have anyone teaching him how to restraint his mind.


*What is the climax of this novel? what happens? how do the events of this novel make you feel?

Different aspects that Jack and Ralph had in mind brought big conflicts not only to them but also to the kids. Furthermore boys began to take sides. A boy named Simon knew about the monster, which lived next to a signal fire. Therefore he tried to tell the facts to the other boys that it was not a monster but it was the dead body of human. However the time that he came out from the forest it was too dark for other boys to notice that it was Simon. After all he was killed by them. After that accident Ralph brings the shell and attempt to say “I have the shell listen to me!” Nevertheless some boys in Jack's side killed the Ralph's companion, Piggy, and broke the shell as well. Ralph confused for his close friend's death. Plus he had no one advising him anymore. Ralph was scared. Jack thought with his group to get rid of Ralph. When Ralph realized that Jack was going to kill him he ran away to the safe region.
It made me to imagine that I was being in that situation and I could feel big tension. Also I felt like I to hide somewhere like Ralph had to hide from Jack. I thought this part was the climax of this book.
It made me feel sorry for the boys who were left in an uninhabited island without any guideline or any help from adults. They had to maintain their lives until they were rescued. Also I sympathetic for the fact that had to inevitably have variety of aspects to survive, which caused big problem between Jack and Ralph.


*Who are the main characters in the novel? do you like them? why or why not? what is special about them? what do they reveal about the universial human experience?

Ralph, Jack, Simon, Piggy and other boys are all main characters.
Ralph tries to lead kids by using the shell, which represents democracy. He worked up with every boys and listened to their opinions and especially Piggy's advice. Ralph had ability to listen to the boys. I he is true leader. I liked Ralph because he was true leader and possessed ability to listen to kids.
Piggy represents abundant of knowledge, philosophic ideas, and the main follower of Ralph. He never works and only let other boys to use his eyeglass, which symbolizes civilized invention. Piggy was great assistant to Ralph and I was impressed when he was in Ralph’s side when every one was in Jack’s.
Jack who always disagrees with Ralph’s opinion desires to hunt. He wants power and abuses his power such as dealing operation with kids to kill Ralph. He becomes cruel and aggressive as the novel progress. He represents uncivilized people. Actually I didn’t really like his attitude toward Ralph but because of him I could know what is real human wickedness was.
Simon is the first boy to realize the beast and to have ability to talk with LORD OF THE FLIES. Also he represents a prophet or a martyr. As you can see in the New Testament some prophets were dead in a way Simon was killed by the boys. I felt so sorry for his death but I was so curioused about his ability to talk with LORD OF THE FLIES, which I couldn’t understand at first.


*Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or fixed?

In an uninhabited island there were25 children including Ralph and Jack and Ralph was elected as a leader. However Jack wanted power to be a leader and as he became it they were divided into two groups, Ralph's and Jack's. Ralph and his close companion named Piggy represented civilized ages while Jack and his followers symbolized savagery and a wicked nation. If they sticked together to survive then maybe they could have been rescued by navy without the dead. However the actual wasn't. Two boys fought and had lots of conflicts, which they could have solved out by themselves by opening their hearts. Compare to present, 2007, is the year to elect a new president. There are three people who wants to go out for a presidential election in Han Nara Party(한나라 당). However only one person for each party can go out for the election. In Korea there are many parties and each of them tries to show good images because it advantages their candidates. Yet Han Nara Party has three candidates and they all tries to abuse each other. According to their immoral images now less people favor Han Nara party. This is same condition because Jack and Ralph are both in a same uninhabited island while three candidates are in the same party. Also they both have quarrels and fights. Say Ralph yields the palm to Jack then all the boys could be in a peaceful mood and there won't be any the deads. Also every one could have been rescued safely. If Han Nara Party maintains good images and if two candidates fall back and push one to be the president then it will make an easy path for them to become a main party of one nation.

Friday, February 23, 2007


*What is the major theme of this novel? why is theme important to a teenagers living in 2007?

Theme: Inevitable society always has social problems and each constituent of that society causes those problems. //One society cannot avoid from having political mistakes or social problems. For instance Korea had difficulties because of sudden rising of apartments' price. The reason was middleclass and the wealthy class people nearly used their money on purchasing apartments where the price would ascend. As they continuously buying them, other people who really needed dwellings couldn’t get one and had to lend from the people who possessed lots of residences. The more it was hard to lend an apartment the more prices went up. It was problem because a person who had more money than others could have big amount of profits left by lending residences, however the poor class people had lost lots of money. Again this is one kind of social problem that our nation had to suffer in present. Then what would teenagers realize as they see these conditions? Perhaps one would think when I build a nation I would never let my people to suffer cause of these problem, or others might think for a next presidential election I would consider a president who is bright at economic. If a nation has social problems caused by political mistakes, then there are bright and dark sides. Until social problems are solved out people may suffer from political mistakes. However younger generation would realize the problems and as they become a grown ups they will establish much better world.