Sunday, February 25, 2007


*please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you why is this passaage meaningful? please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

"And another thing. We can't have everyone talking at once. We'll have to have 'Hands up' like at school. Then I'll give youth conch" is one of my meaningful things. When I was a leader in Korean school I used this rule to calm down my classmates or when I had to decide big deals with them. It was the best way I had ever used. It is meaningful because it reminds me of my class election when I was in third grade (in elementary school). I could slightly reflect the time I had to stand out in class and had to use my loud voice and big confidence in order to give my pledge. And my pledge was I would use democratic way that Ralph had used and try to listen to everyone’s opinion and voice. This passage is also important because it tells me that Ralph and other kids had been to school. Since when Ralph announced that he would use democratic way no body had question what hands up was. When I was reading this book up to chapter 2 I thought they experience at school. It was surprising that Ralph was applying to the kids. And this passage made me to anxious about how Jack would behave at school because in this book the image of Jack was strong boy, scary, and had tough image of a primitive man. And it tells me that human beings can change in what kind of circumstances. So I thought it was significant.

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